Monday 12 August 2019

Understanding the Types of Bipolar Disorders & Their Major Symptoms

We never compromise with physical health whether it a major injury or minor fever. Some basic medicines like pain killers, common cold headache & fever always remain in our first aid kit. However, nobody pays attention to the issues with the brain. The human mind is the most powerful as well as the delicate organ responsible to handle the functioning of the entire body. It is necessary to optimally utilize the potential of the brain but exerting extra pressure results in various mental disorders. Bipolar disorder is among the rapidly spreading mental issues currently affecting large criteria of people. Only mental health rehab centers can help you in overcoming this situation. In general terms, we recognize bipolar disorder as mood swinging. Sudden shifting of mood from happy to sad or anger badly affects the life of a patient. However, it is not easy to understand. Psychiatrists classified this disorder in 4 major types that you are going to understand below.

Types of bipolar disorders you may experience

Bipolar I Disorder

Manic episodes longer than a week are the most common issues that patients suffering from bipolar disorder. This manic depressive disorder involves abnormal elevation of mood including abnormal behavior with high energy. Sudden shifting of mood from mania to depression is a common experience reported by every patient. In severe condition, immediate hospitalization is the only way to suppress the abnormal symptoms. Following symptoms will become apparent if you are suffering from Bipolar I disorder:-


Excessive talkative behavior

Poor concentration

Involving in riskful activities

Racing thoughts

High energy level

Bipolar II Disorder

Mania & depression are the very basic symptoms of bipolar II disorder just like the Bipolar I Disorder. However, the major difference in cycles between them. A person suffering from this disorder experience depressive episodes more than mania. Consequently, many people consider it depression by mistake. Only the experts of bipolar rehab centers can examine and identify whether a person is suffering from depression or bipolar disorder. Manic episodes also persist but their duration is very short. Below are some symptoms to help you in understanding this disorder clearly:-

Sleeping disorder


Lack of energy


Difficulty in concentration

Fluctuation in your eating habits

Cyclothymic disorder

This is the cycle of mood swinging patterns but with a much shorter duration. cyclothymic disorder patient experience short durations of mood swinging as compared to the bipolar disorder. Therefore, one can also consider it as the middle stage. The episodes of depression & manic shift more frequently than usual. If you don’t pay proper attention, severe conditions become apparent. You can easily identify a person suffering from cyclothymic disorder from the following symptoms:-

Multiple periods of hypomanic

Tearful feeling



Worthlessness feeling


Feeling emptiness

Other disorders

Other disorders relevant to bipolar actually involves mixed features. Manic, hypomanic & depressive cycles become apparent in the unspecified pattern. A mental health rehab center can elaborate on this disorder in a much better way after examining the patient in detail. Some of the most common symptoms you will notice this mental condition are:-

Racing thoughts


High energy




The mental health rehab centers provide various therapies to stabilize the mind of a person. Cognitive behavior therapy, psychotherapy, Antipsychotic & Anticonvulsant medication courses are the most reliable treatment options. Moreover, many luxury rehab centers also prefer natural rejuvenating methods of yoga.

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