Friday 15 November 2019

Causes, Signs, and Symptoms of Alcohol Addiction

The excessive prevalence of alcohol consumption in society causes the youth to think that it's okay to have a few drinks every now and then. What we don't realize is that alcohol consumption at any age is not only dangerous but also leads to addiction. People below the age of 21 years are more prone to substance abuse.

To treat alcoholism, it's not only the cut in the initial period of alcohol consumption that we need to target, but also reasons why people get addicted to it. For us, the causes of alcohol addiction are the leading cause of worry. An alcohol rehab center takes care of the reasons, treatments, and post-treatment actions for the permanent elimination of excessive substance abuse. 

Why do people become an alcoholic?

Here we discuss the main causes of alcohol addiction. Many people don't notice these signs initially. However, these are scientifically proven contributing factors of alcohol addiction. It can be a personal, or a general issue witnessed in many alcohol addicts before. 

General issues include drinking to act against withdrawal symptoms as they can be unpleasant and dangerous. Some people consume alcohol due to co-occurring disorders that have essentially set foot in their minds. In all, general issues causing alcohol addiction can be biological, social, environmental, or psychological. 

Personal issues can only be identified while examining the addict. Some personal matters are changes in pleasurable feelings that they only find in consuming alcohol. 

Signs of Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction can be defined as a state where the person knows the adverse effects and still cannot control the consumption. Also, alcohol addiction can target a teenager more quickly than an adult. Here is a list of all the signs (other than heavy drinking) that detect alcohol addiction.

  • A lack of attention towards social and family obligations
  • Loss of control over consumption once they start to drink
  • Increasing emotional expressions like sadness, anger, and happiness
  • Behaving perilously in situations that require calmness and composure
  • Posing a legal, financial or physical threat to someone else
  • Blankly staring at something or someone

Symptoms of Alcohol Addiction

Some symptoms of alcohol addiction can be seen quite early and some might take time to get noticed. Here is a list of the most prominent ones. 

  • Difficulty in standing or walking
  • Unable to complete a sentence without thinking twice or thrice
  • Repeating sentences for no reason
  • Blood-red eyes
  • Excessive anxiety or agitation
  • Worsened reflexes
  • Blacking out more often and lack of consciousness
  • Red face during or after conjunction

Withdrawal Symptoms

Withdrawal symptoms can occur when the drug and alcohol rehab center instantly cuts the entire consumption of alcohol. It has to be a gradual process where the body gets used to the lack of alcohol intake; otherwise, the following symptoms will prevail. 

  • Extreme emotional anxiety and agitation
  • Unusual shaking of hands and convulsions
  • Vomiting or nausea
  • Strange hallucinations
  • Lack of performance in anything
  • Seizures

Withdrawal symptoms suggest that the body must adjust to the reduced intake of alcohol for an effective rehab process. However, not every alcohol rehab center does the process carefully, and success in treating alcohol addiction is rare. Make sure to choose an alcohol rehab center very carefully only after going through all the customer reviews.

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